What you need to know about me: I am a devoted coffee drinker (strong, never instant, with sugar and half & half). I am always in the middle of a good book or two (or ten). Learning never gets old. I am a total nerd. Maps, charts, school supplies--they make my heart go pitter-patter. I am a nature lover and bird watcher. I'll take a dirt road surrounded by trees over a shopping mall any day. I love my church. If you need a church home, come check it out! Jesus is my best friend and the wildest ride. When I make a mess of things, He makes it beautiful.
About Melissa

Ok, here are the facts: I have three blue-eyed daughters who challenge and inspire me constantly. My favorite pastimes: cooking, dancing, reading (Non-fiction, almost exclusively. I love to learn.), drinking coffee all. day. long. and now writing, apparently! Dane's career is high-stress with long hours, and we're the kind of couple that gives each other a kiss and a fist bump on his way out the door.
As I unpack little pieces of our story to share with you, I hope my words give you a glimpse of the extravagant story God has written for you and me.